Monday, February 25, 2008

Bitter Sweet.... Kindergarten Registration

This is Sydney's picture from her first day of preschool this year, which is one of my faves. This morning I went and registered her for kindergarten!!! Oh my gosh, where has all that time gone, it has just flown by, and I can't believe that my baby is going to actually be starting kindergarten, aka Big Kid School. I know that she is more than ready and can't wait to go. I know she is also so smart and artistic and will love all the fun projects that she will do in class. But I can't believe what a hard time I am having, and she hasn't even started yet!!! I thought how nice it will be to have both kids in school and gone. I thought how wonderful it will be not have to worry about what are we going to do today. But all in all, I am sooo sad, since now my baby will be in school everyday from now on. I always thought that I would of had another baby by now, and for the circumstances, hasn't happened it. I guess it comes with the sacrifice of leaving California for a better opportunity for our family, or having a house- more space, a more kid friendly area, and also some other benefits. But in doing that, we sacrificed a bit of job security and also health insurance with Jeremy being self employed. So my heart is full right now, wondering what the future holds and if we will ever have that one more baby I was hoping to have. But I am excited to see the kids growing up and doing so well in their lives, in that aspect I am truly blessed....


  1. Oh Wendi! I'm feeling for ya girl. My Daughter started school in September and I felt the same way. I did a page awhile back called To 3 or not to 3 about having a third. We have way too much in common, right down to the hives LOL! Hang in there. You will get through it and learn to love hearing the stories she comes running through the door with each day.

  2. She's so beautiful Wendi! If you want I'll lend you my kids every now and then to fill up your empty time...I can't imagine sending them to school!

  3. I'm right there with you! I can't believe they're big enough for kindergarten. Where does the time go?

  4. Just keep looking towards new beginnings and enjoying each and every step they take and master. It makes the growing up a little bit easier if you look at it that way.

    Mason will start preschool this coming fall so I know what you are talking about. He is definitely my last one. Now you just need to get them grown and look forward to grandchildren!!! LOL

  5. I'm going to be registering Connor in March. Yikes! I love that picture of Sydney. She looks so cute!

  6. What a BEAUTIFUL, bright-eyed shot. And those braids! She is as sweet as can be. Kindergarten is short. They are home before you can even get showered, out the door, and then through the line at WalMart.


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