Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fun Family Photos

Tonight was Austin's Basketball game and after the game we just took some fun pics of the family. I will have to upload the ones from the game tomorrow. As you can see the kids are feeling much better and back to their silly selves- which makes me a happy mommy. As you can see, Sydney talked her cousin Bailey, into stamping on her forehead a bright PINK stamp... yeah that's great.... oh well we had fun tonight.


  1. glad everyone's feeling better! Brody's been sick lately, but like a trooper he still wants to go every where and do every thing. Hope you guys come to cali soon!

  2. Great pictures ...I an glad everyone is feeling better!!!

  3. I'm so glad everyone is healthy again. I love silly pictures.

  4. Yeah for happy, healthy kids!

    I saw Jeremy's blog with the new toon on it, and thought "Wait, he's drawing my kids!"

  5. Love the pic of Syd and Jeremy. So sweet.

  6. Great pics. Glad everyone is feeling better and I personally LOVE the pink stamp look;)

  7. Hi Wendy-
    Its Kate from Out On A Limb! Just found your blog, love it! Love all your layouts too!



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